Sunday, 25 June 2017

Sprinkler Systems, Irrigation Controllers, and Sensors

An irrigation controller is the clock that runs a sprinkler system. A good controller can make the difference between a landscape that is efficiently managed and one that is not. It can also have a strong effect on a business's monthly water bill.

Property managers who inadvertently water their landscapes too much or at inappropriate times of the day nearly always end up with high water bills. The newer controllers, like Hunter or Toto irrigation controllers, take into account local weather conditions. They make it easier to have a healthy landscape and a healthier water bill, too.

Really large sprinkler systems may have more than one controller. Each controller has several stations (timers), depending on its size, that control different parts of the landscape, each station with its own timer. Older controllers and their stations are programmed by hand, with the landscaper guessing Cu6cQBMs how much water each section will need. Newer ones take weather and other factors into account, modifying programmed schedules to water only when plants are thirsting.

What are Weather Based Irrigation Controllers?

There are several different kinds of "Weather Based Irrigation Controllers" (WBIC) or Smart Controllers, and all of them work by using input about the site from local sensors or satellite weather stations to modify the watering schedule. Examples of information WBIC's can take into account are: Weather readings, moisture in the air, moisture in the soil, solar radiation, plant types, soil types, slopes, and water pressure. Each of these factors affects the amount of water needed by plants in a landscape, and alters the amount of water the controller will allow through the sprinkler system.

How a controller works.

Each controller has several stations hooked up to valves that feed water to sets of sprinklers in different locations or zones. Controller sizes can vary from four to 200 stations, each with its own timing. Since stations are designed to match the watering needs of whatever plants are in its relevant zone, having a number of them provides a lot of flexibility with watering.

The size and number of controllers chosen for a sprinkler system depends on the size and complexity of the landscape. As mentioned, each landscape zone is watered by sprinklers controlled by a valve. Station timers control the valves and controllers host the stations. Since controllers/stations are hooked up electronically to the valves, they have to be located near enough to allow for a hookup.

A six acre site with valves spread out through the landscape with many different types of plantings could have 8 controllers with 64 stations each, whereas a one acre landscape may need only one or two controllers with 8 stations each. A station could be set up to water trees and bushes on one side, another for grass in front, a third for a drought tolerant section, another for medians or parkway, one for a shady section, or another for grass in a far corner.

Without thinking, most people schedule their sprinkler systems to water flat turf, whether or not it's best for the other types of plantings there.

Watering on a slope is tricky. You want to water so it sinks in, but doesn't run off. That means scheduling your controller for short run times several times in a row, so water has a chance to sink down between times.

Native plants need hardly any watering. That section of the landscape needs a station of its own, with its own watering schedule, or the plants will be overwatered and die. | Source

Controllers vs. nozzles.

There are some situations in which problems with watering have been blamed on improper controller programming, when in fact that may not be the case. T he most common of these is really a problem with irrigation nozzles.


types of plants require different speeds and lengths of watering, and

so do different soils. For best watering, different plant types

should not be watered by the same station, nor should they be watered

by the same types of nozzles (see "Irrigation Nozzles").

Because different types of nozzles allow for different amounts of

water through them, if you mix them on the same station, you will

cause one area in a section to be either shorted or flooded.


reason a controller has a number of stations with their own timers is

so that a landscaper can take the difference in nozzles and plant

types into account when programming watering schedules. The stations

and their valves give much needed control. But a landscaper th at

bypasses that control by mixing nozzle types or plant types on the

same station loses the flexibility that a good controller gives.

WBIC scheduling assists - like rain & soil sensors.

When first installing a new WBIC, the landscaper will be entering the soil type, types of plants, water pressure, and location of property (latitude and longitude or zip code), among other data, as detailed by installation directions. Additional information will be provided by additional accessories that support more efficient watering with a WBIC:

Purchasing a WBIC.

The type of Smart Controller you choose to buy will depend on conditions onsite. Here are some things to look for:

Is it user-friendly? Easy to understand and program?

Does it allow for sensors to be attached and read?

Here are a number of links that show different brands of Smart Controllers:

Enjoy the shopping, but remember that the real benefits of your new controllers will depend on how well you set up, test, and adjust them. Make sure you and/or your landscaper follow the controller's written instructions, then check the results several times afterward to make sure they are operating efficiently for the sprinkler system on your site. iciency

Friday, 23 June 2017

Garden Tools |

Garden Tractor Parts and Attachments

Garden tractors are small and Sprinkler System Installation Flower Mound easy to use, designed mainly for domestic gardens. This article will give you essential information about the garden tractor parts and attachments.

Tips for Installing and Using a Soaker Hose

Features of a soaker hose

The best thing about using a soaker hose is that it saves you some money. This Buzzle article will give you useful tips on how to install and use a soaker hose, along with information about the fittings that you will need for the...

The Buyer's Guide to Gas Powered Hedge Trimmers

Suita ble for trimming large diameter branches, gas powered hedge trimmers are perfect for covering larger garden yards. Regarding the drawbacks, they are heavier and more expensive than other trimmers.

How to Sharpen Hedge Trimmers in 3 Simple Steps

Well trimmed hedges certainly enhance the look of your garden, and hedge trimmers play an important role in helping you achieve that. Therefore, in order to have evenly trimmed hedges, you need to sharpen the equipment regularly.

Sod Cutter

class="og-img" src="" data-src="" alt="" height="91" width="137"/>
A sod cutter is an important garden tool used in the construction and maintenance of lawns. The following article is a brief elaboration on its mechanism and use.

Hedge Trimmer Reviews

If you are passionate about gardening and your day does not start without spending time with your green friends, then I am sure you know what hedge trimmers are all about. To know which are the best trimmers, read on.

Best String Trimmers

A string trimmer is an easy way to keep your lawn tidy and clean. The following article provides information a bout the best string trimmers available in the market.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

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Monday, 19 June 2017

Landscape design plans | Landscape Garden design

The landscape design market is booming. But what is booming along with it is the market of the online software that actually helps you design a landscape for your own house. I think it is a brilliant innovation. The advantages of the same are manifold. Not only do you save on the money that you would be giving to a professional landscaper, you will also actually be putting yourself into the design. Each and every corner in your house can now be a reflection of you and your family.

People in the United States spend a huge amount of money in landscape architecture as property is considered as the most important investment there. After all, it is an investment that will bring years of enjoyment, peace and harmony at your property. However, it is very important to understand all aspects of landscaping so that the money is not wasted and also that your landscape arc hitects do not cheat you. Also, it is very vital to understand that the landscape should reflect your personality and not vice-versa. So do not overdo anything.

While choosing a landscape design for your house, considering the geographical and climatic conditions of your area is of utmost importance. For example, planning lush green lawns bordered with exotic flowers in an area where drought is a high possibility would be rather foolish. In contrast, a rock garden in a rocky terrain would be a fantastic idea. Also, in an area where water is available in plenty around the year, a water feature like a pond that reflects the sky and the surrounding surfaces can add depth and dimension to your landscape.

Along with the softwares, there are also a huge number of online websites that provide help. Some sites are owned by professional landscapers who fill their website wi th beautiful pictures of what they could your backyards into. However, some are in it for the pure pleasure of landscaping and fill their sites with very useful home landscape design ideas and tips.

Some of the easy to use and inexpensive landscape design software available for home landscape design over the Internet are:

Plan 3D: is an online landscape design service that helps you create home landscape with features available for walks, drives, patios, trees and planting. It lets you view your design from any angle.

Instant Architect Home (Broderbund Software): provides the ability to design your own home or landscape and is very intuitive in nature. Hence, no previous experience is required.

Fences and Gates: software helps design fences and gates in an artistic manner. It also provides a list of all the materials that will be required Sprinkler System Installation to build the fence after the d esign has been finalized.

3D Home Architect Home & Landscape: provide easy to use home and landscape design solutions, which also contains a complete set of landscape design tools. It uses the latest design techniques and technologies to make designing a very enjoyable experience.

35 Do It Yourself Backyard Project Plans: allows building 35 different projects for your backyard. It allows a combination of 10 sheds, 3 playhouses, 3 gazebos, 3 arbors, 2 picnic tables, a deck, a doghouse, a sandbox, fence and a loveseat. This is very inexpensive software and permits printing of plans.

Realtime Landscaping PRO (Idea Spectrum): helps you visualize even the most demanding landscape design projects. Using the latest advances in 3D technology, even beginners will find it easy to plan and visualize design ideas.

Realtime Landscaping PLUS (Idea Spectrum): helps create highly realistic 3D and photo based landscape designs. This software is ideal for homeowners as wel l as professional designers. The plus Sprinkler System Arlington point is that no CAD or prior architectural experience is required.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

An eco-friendly lawn you don't have to mow

Pearl's Premium founder Jackson Madnick with his pet.

Pearl's Premium founder Jackson Madnick with his pet.

(CNNMoney) -- It's hard to imagine anything more innocuous than a lush suburban lawn. That's what 63-year-old entrepreneur Jackson Madnick used to think -- until a golf course killed his cat.

His cat, Kitty, sickened and died 14 years ago. A groundskeeper at the nearby links told Madnick that many local animals had been dying off from chemicals used to treat the grass there.

That set Madnick off on a mission to find a grass seed that grew easily without toxic chemicals. He spent nearly a decade potting and growing more than 70 different grasses on the deck behind his home in Wayland, Mass. Finally, he got results: a slow-growing, drought-resistant blend of seven grasses that needs no chemical fer tilizers, little mowing and relatively no water. He named the blend Pearl's Premium, in honor of his environmentalist mother.

"At first I wondered if I had done something wrong when the grass was growing slower," he says. But when he dug into the soil and found the roots extending to the bottom of the pot, he was ecstatic.

Pearl's Premium arrived on the market in 2009. The seed is now available at Home Depot's (HD, Fortune 500) website and at 60 brick-and-mortar stores, including garden centers and Whole Foods branches on the East Coast. Madnick expects his six-employee company to hit $1 million in sales this year.

So where's the splendor in this grass? The roots. According to Madnick, Pearl's Premium's roots grow up to a foot long, reaching deeper for nutrients and water than the two-inch roots of common bluegrass. This means it gets plenty of access to nitrogen and may stay greener in the fall and winter. It also means that homeowners in the northern U.S. will seldom or never need to water it; in the drier South, it requires watering once or twice a week. (Newly planted grass requires a month of daily watering to get it established.)

Because Pearl's Premium grows slowly, it requires mowing only about once a month in sunny areas and every six weeks in the shade.

"This lets people have great lawns with far less impact to the environment," Madnick says.

Most lawns, after all, are anything but green. In California alone, homeowners water 10 million acres of residential grass, consuming enough water to supply the drinking needs of 40 million households, says Brett Lorenzen, a researcher at the non-profit Environmental Working Group.

Americans put 70 million pounds of pesticides and herbicides on their lawns each year, he adds. Those chemicals get washed into drainage systems and flow into lakes and rivers , where the resulting high levels of phosphorous create algae blooms that suck up oxygen, killing fish and native plant life.

"Lawns are devastating to our waterways," Lorenzen says. "The impacts are huge."

But does Pearl's Premium work? Ed Lyon, a realtor in Newton, Mass., met Madnick at a local green expo and liked the idea of saving water. So last year he de-thatched the existing lawn on his half-acre property and seeded it with Pearl's Premium. He says the fine-blade grass that grew in looks nice. It's softer and more resilient than his old grass, he adds, and greener, too.

"We don't really water the lawn anymore and basically it's fine," Lyon says. "Jackson Madnick is a bit of an evangelist, a salesman, but there's some truth to what he says."

Pearl's Pr emium is the only grass seed sold in Whole Foods' (WFMI, Fortune 500) North Atlantic region, which includes 27 stores, says Bill McGowan, the grocer's regional produce and floral coordinator.

"We're pretty selective about the items we put in the garden center," says McGowan. "So far, it's selling quite briskly. I haven't gotten a single piece of negative feedback."

But Pearl's Premium faces challenges. First off, it doesn't have the market to itself. No-Mow Lawn Seed has been around for years. Other eco-friendly grass seeds, including EcoLawn and Pennington Smart Seed, also promise less water and slow-growing grass.

And not everyone buys into Madnick's sales pitch.

"It's not new grass," says Frank Rossi, a Cornell University turf expert. "They put grass that's been out there forever and put it into a package and they called it something fancy. It's marketing."

Rossi notes that Pearl's Premium may not thrive in Texas, Southern California and the Deep South. Homeowners are best off ensuring they have decent soil and a grass that suits their climate, he says -- and by mowing the grass high, they can cut back on water bills.

While Madnick's efforts are noble, changing consumers' minds will be difficult, says Lorenzen of the Environmental Working Group. He questions whether people will take the time to reseed their lawn and water it each day for a month, up-front, to cut back on mowing and watering in the future. Plus, the seed is pricey: a five-pound bag that covers 1,000 square feet costs $34. The sam e amount of bluegrass may cost $8 to $27.

"Pearl's Premium isn't going to clean the water of the U.S.," Lorenzen says. "Changing people is hard, and I don't think most people will make the time and money to put it in, unless they really hate to mow."To top of page

Fire Sprinkler Recall - CBS News

About 35 million building sprinklers across the country need to be replaced because they might not work during fires, the government and the Pennsylvania manufacturer said Wednesday.

The sprinklers are installed in homes, offices, day-care facilities, hospitals and other buildings, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said.

Central Sprinkler Co., of Lansdale, Pa., discovered some of its sprinkler heads have O-ring seals that can corrode, said L. Dennis Kozlowski, chief executive of Tyco International Ltd., which owns the sprinkler company. The firm has received 13 reports of sprinklers failing to work during fires.

"We immediately shared our concerns with the authorities," Kozlowski told reporters. He noted the deterioration of the sprinklers "takes place over Sprinkler System Installation a very long period of time."

Tyco will provide free replacements for all the recalled sprinklers, the safety commission said. The first sprinklers replaced will be the oldest, those showing signs of damage or those in buildings such as nursing homes and hospitals.

The recall includes another 167,000 sprinklers sold by Gem Sprinkler Co. and Star Sprinkler Inc., which are also owned by Tyco, the safety commission said.

The recalled fire sprinkler heads have the words "CENTRAL" or "STAR", the letters "CSC", the letter "G" in a triangle, or a star-shaped symbol stamped on either the metal frame or the flower-shaped metal piece at one end of the sprinkler head.

About 2.5 million sprinklers installed in other countries, most of them in Canada, are also included in the recall, said Central Sprinkler spokeswoman Anne Buchanan.

People seeking more information about how to replace their sprinklers should call the company toll-free at 1-800-871-3492.

Building owners, however, shouldn't shut off their sprinkler systems because of this recall, said Joseph Hirschmugl, a spokesman for Chicago-based Underwriters Laboratories (UL), which provides safety certifications and has been testing the recalled sprinklers.

"People should remember that sprinklers are important life saving devices," he said, noting that the recall is a precaution.

The vast majority of the recalled sprinklers are of the GB or glass-bulb type that contain alcohol or another liquid in a bulb mounted on Sprinkler System Denton the sprinkler head. Heat rising from a fire expands the liquid, causing the glass to shatter. That releases the sprinkler's plug and allows water onto the fire. An O-ring seal keeps the plug from leaking.

The testing organization said in April that so me glass-bulb sprinklers produced by Central Sprinkler had crystallized deposits or corrosion around the rubber seal, which indicated leaking water.

It has recommended that the sprinklers be replaced since March 2000, but at the time, Brad McGee, a Tyco senior vice president, said it was too early to consider a recall or replacement of the sprinklers.

In 1998, Central Sprinkler recalled 8.4 million Omega brand fire sprinklers because thy could fail in a fire. Those sprinklers, which were installed nationwide in schools, hospitals, hotels, offices a nd homes, failed to activate in about 20 fires during the 1990s, causing injuries and millions of dollars in property damage, the safety commission said at the time.

MMI The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

Irrigation | Define Irrigation at

irrigational, adjective

nonirrigation, noun

overirrigation, noun

preirrigation, noun

preirrigational, adjective

proirrigation, adjective

reirrigation, noun
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Thursday, 15 June 2017

10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Landscape Designer

If you're considering working with a landscape designer, finding the right fit -- and avoiding surprises midway through the project -- is largely about knowing which questions to ask upfront and being familiar with the range of services these professionals provide.

We reached out to four seasoned landscape professionals -- Peter Reader of Peter Reader Landscapes in London, Beth Mullins of Growsgreen Landscape Design in San Francisco, John Algozzini of K&D Landscape Management in Chicago and June Scott of June Scott Design in Southern California -- to get the inside scoop on the range of services available and the 10 essential questions potential clients should ask before hiring a professional for the job.

First, get your ducks in a row. Before reaching out to a professional, write a wish list for your garden remodel, establish your priorities and budget, and decide which parts of the process you'd like to hire a pro for help. With this on paper, you'll have a clear sens e of what you're looking for in a designer before you begin to contact professionals.

10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Landscape Designer

1. What services do you offer? First and foremost, determine what services a landscape designer offers to see if he or she is the right person for your project."The best question a potential client can ask is: 'Are you experienced with the scope of work we want, and can you design and manage it?'" Algozzini says.

Generally speaking, landscape designers fall into one of three categories, depending on the services they offer:

Design only. Some designers specialize only in the design process. This typically includes a site analysis and discussion of a client's needs, a preliminary design, revisions based on your feedback, and a final detailed master plan for your garden. This detailed planting plan and construction document is then handed over to you (or a landscape contractor of your choosing) to take it from there.

Design-build. Others offer the design service described above, as well as overseeing plant purchase and all installation. Contractors are needed for permitting and hardscape installation -- sometimes the landscape designer is also a registered contractor, and other times they have landscape contractors on their team or ones to recommend and oversee.

RELATED: Choose From the Best Design-Build Firms

Full service -- design-build and maintenance program. For the highest-touch service, some landscape designers will offer all the above, plus oversee ongoing maintenance of the garden.

2. Can I see examples of your past work? "Consider the style of the designer in relation to the garden you want," Reader says. "If you want a modern, clean-lined city garden, have they designed any before? Or if you are looking for a cottage-style garden, do they have the plant knowledge to deliver?"

Alternatively, if a designer's portfolio doesn't include the particular style you're looking for, check out his or her credentials for evidence of the training to make the vision of your garden a reality. Degrees from accredited landscape design colleges and memberships in professional organizations are both good indicators.

3. Do you offer garden consultations? Some landscape designers will offer one- to two-hour garden consultations. During this meeting, a designer will typically come over to your property, join you for a walk around the garden, listen to what you'd like to accomplish with your remodel and begin to bounce some ideas around for the design.

This is a great opportunity for you to determine whether you have a fit with the designer, and for the designer to see if he or she fi ts with you as a client. "It is important for a client to determine what role they want to play," Mullins says. "Are they interested in a collaboration, [want to] defer completely to the designer or have a clear idea for their garden and just want someone to implement it?"

Don't expect an initial consult to be free of charge -- it is, after all, two hours of a professional's time -- though some designers will put the consult fee toward the cost of the design if you end up hiring them.

4. What ideas do you have for our garden? After you've shared your wish list and budget with the designer, and the designer has had a chance to view your property, ask what vision the designer has for your landscape. Designers have different mediums of presenting their ideas for your landscape, ranging from a collage-style mood board with inspiration images for plants and hardscape materials to a two-dimensional, to-scale drawing created with a CAD program or by hand.

This is the t ime to speak up about what you like and dislike in the design or if you see anything that's missing from your wish list -- for example, more space for tool storage, room to grow vegetables or an area with shade. Following this meeting, a designer will draw up a revised design drawing based on your feedback.

5. What is your process? A designer's process depends on the services he or she offers (see question 1). Get to know the process -- and whether you or the designer is responsible for overseeing each step -- from the beginning Sprinkler Installation so that you'll know what to expect once the project is underway. If you're hiring a designer who specializes in design only, ask yourself whether you have the time or experience necessary to oversee the project installation or if the designer has contractors to recommend.

As a responsible client, you also need to be honest with a landscape designer regarding your b udget for the project. "Knowing a budget beforehand is crucial," Mullins says. "It doesn't mean that a designer needs to spend the budget but dictates what [he or she] can realistically design for." If a look you like is over your budget, designers often have creative ways to stretch your budget and give you the best garden for your space.

6. What is the estimated cost? Clear communication regarding the estimated cost of the project and your budget is essential. Ask your designer for a range of cost for both the design and the installation. Most installation estimates are drawn up by a contractor based on the cost per square foot of installing areas of hardscape outlined on the plan for the yard.

Scott shares another key question to ask your designer: "How are changes in scope handled during the design and installation process?" Given that unanticipated design changes often come up midproject, it's important to be clear on whether a designer will charge additional fees for the time it takes to change the design plan or installation.

7. Are there any ways to reduce cost? Pathways, patios, retaining walls and decks are generally more expensive than planted garden areas, so the more hardscape there is in the design, the more it's likely going to cost to install. Plus, the materials used for hardscape can vary widely for both the product and the installation.

It's best to have a conversation with a designer when you are discussing the initial plan about ways to reduce the cost of the landscape to stay on budget. The designer will have ideas about where you can save money without compromising style, and what elements are worth a splurge.

8. How long will installation take? The time it takes to design and install a landscape depends on a number of factors: size and scope of the project, availability of contractors and other installation specialists, ordering and delivery times for materials and plants, dry weather for laying hardsc ape, and unexpected setbacks during installation. Instead of asking a landscape designer to have the installation done by a certain date, ask for an estimated range for the project to be completed.

As eager as you may be to enjoy your new landscape, keep in mind that skilled installation of hardscape and careful planting takes time. "While landscaping on TV is inspirational and great entertainment, the actual site work rarely has a team of 24 [people] working around the clock," Algozzini says. "High-quality work is both art and science, and takes time to install."

RELATED: How to Work With a Landscape Professional

9. When will the garden grow in? The time it takes for a garden to grow in depends on the scope of the design, what types of plants are proposed and how mature the plants are when they're planted. A smaller area with ornamental grasses and perennials can grow in within a single season, but larger and more complex designs with trees and large shrubs can take years to reach maturity. Ask your designer which plants make sense to splurge for semimature specimens (like focal-point trees or shrubs needed for screening) and which plants can be purchased small and fill in quickly (like most ground covers, vegetables and ornamental grasses).

10. How much maintenance will it take to keep the garden looking good? Different styles of gardens and plants require very different levels of care. Be upfront with your landscape designer about how much maintenance you are willing to commit -- either your own time or that of a hired gardener -- going forward. Once you've invested in hiring a landscape designer and installing a garden, you'll want to keep your landscape alive and flourishing for years to come. Ask your landscape designer if he or she has recommended maintenance gardeners or specialists to take care of the garden going forward.

The Various Fields Of Specialization

Most people do not know the extent of what electrical workers do or an electrician does. Generally, when they hear of the word electrician, they think of installation of electrical wirings in their homes. They do not normally relate the safety of their families and properties with electrical works. The work of an electrician goes beyond installation of wirings for electricity. It includes ensuring the safety of people and their properties from damages regardless of which field of specialization they chose to engage in. It is also considered the lifeblood of industrial companies that are into manufacturing. A failure in electrical works in a manufacturing industry would mean losses in millions.

Here are some fields of specialization that you as an electrician can choose to adva nce your career. a) Outside lineman. This job is primarily focused in installing electrical lines that distributes electricity from the plant to consumers. This installation work includes the putting up of towers and systems that are needed in a particular area. This job requires the electrician to work outside and in any weather condition because most of the work is a result of disasters. It requires that an electrician engage in this job is physically strong and has the stamina for the work since they perform high risk and mostly tasks that require strength.

This electrician work is in demand because of the ever growing advancement in technology and the manufacturing companies need more linemen to maintain their power supply. As earlier mentioned, if a power failure occurs, even for a short period time, the company is at risks of losing millions of dollars. That's the reason why there is a great demand for linemen. b) Inside Wireman or electrician. This is a job where an e lectrician distributes electricity within the commercial establishment. The job also includes installation and maintenance of the different electrical equipment and network within the building. It can include the simple putting or changing a switch to the overall installation of the whole electric system of the commercial building.

c) VDV Installer Technician. This job is focused on electric work such as installation of voice, video and data outlets, to include telephones, computer networks and security alarm systems. d) The Residential Wireman as the name connotes entails installation and all electrical work only in residential homes. This electrician work includes wiring installation, electric network within the residential house, cables, computer connections, heating and cooling systems an d maintenance of the electrical system of the house. The pay in this particular job is at the range of $54,000 annually depending on the experience of the electrician as well as location of your company in relation to the client's residence.

Whatever field of electrician specialization you want to pursue, you need to acquire mastery of the skill needed for the job through apprenticeship coupled with appropriate trainings and education. All the electrician jobs pay is computed based on established factors to include experience and skill. The more years of experience you have, the higher the pay. It is therefore imperative that you go for apprenticeship to develop your skill to the fullest and get the highest pay in the field. Experience is a major factor because this job involves the safety and welfare of families together with their properties.

Author's Bio:

Yesner & Boss helps local residence in Florida with their legal issues.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Artist Gives Famous Paintings Geeky Cartoon Makeovers

The classics meet Cartoon Network.

A Canadian artist who goes simply by Lothlenan created a Tumblr post that's been widely sharedduring the past week. The post features famous paintings reimagined with carefully chosen cartoon characters.

"Woman with a Parasol" by Claude Monet reimagined with Chu Totoro.

"I was doing a study of 'Mr. and Mrs. Andrews' by Thomas Gainsborough in my free time, trying to strengthen my painting skills," Lothlenan explained to HuffPost. "I was a little over halfway done when I decided I wanted to spice it up a little. I can't exactly say how the two threads joined in my head, but maybe it was because I'd recently seen some episodes of 'Adventure Time' with the Earl of Lemongrab and thought he'd sit quite well in the painting."

"Mr. and Mrs. Andrews" by Thomas Gainsborough reimagined with the Earl of Lemongrab and Lady Lemongrabs from "Adventure Time."

Lothlenan liked the way the painting came out and said that his friends got a kick out it. So, he decided to make it his thing.

"It became kind of like my amusing little twist. I strive to find subjects that resonate with the original painting," he said. "Sort of a personal challenge, but also something to make the process more entertaining."

"The Accolade" by Edmund Leighton reimagined with Link and Princess Zelda.

Lothlenan said he's always been into video g ames and manga. Some of his favorite cartoons include "Steven Universe," "Rick and Morty," "Adventure Time" and "absolutely anything by Studio Ghibli."

But he learned to appreciate classic paintings when he was in college.

"The Swing" by Jean-Honor Fragonard reimagined with Rose Quartz from "Steven Universe."

"It wasn't until I hit university and had an incredible professor that I developed a really strong appreciation for the old masters and their more modern successors," he said.

Lothlenan paints all of his pieces digitally and says that each of his cartoon recreations took about a week to make. The process is much more tedious than one might think.

"Portrait of Louis XIV" by Hyacinthe Rigaud reimagined with Ice King from "Adventure Time."

"As for the process itself, I always start with the backgrounds and, honestly, that's the most time-consuming part," Lothlenan told HuffPost. "It usually involves me trying to figure out how to approach the original artist's painting methods, and if there are specific brush techniques I need to account for to achieve a certain look."

"Self-portrait with Her Daughter" by lisabeth Louise Vige Le Brun reimagined with Sailor Moon and Rini.

As for the popularity of these particular paintings, Lothlenan has a theory.

"Lovers on a Swing" by Pierre Auguste Cot reimagined withPrincess Bubblegum and Marceline from "Adventure Time."

"I think because it's two halves of the familiar, but in an unfamiliar way," he said.

He acknowledged fans might not instantly recognize the classic paintings that inspired him.

"I hope that my interpretations leave them walking away with a newfound appreciation for the original masterpiece," he added. mous-paintings-geeky-cartoon-makeovers-and-it-rules_us_5936c5b7e4b0cfcda917d634

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Dylann Roof's Lawyers Look to Have Death Penalty Tossed

Lawyers for Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof have filed a motion for a new trial and are looking to throw out the death penalty sentences in the case.

The motion, filed in South Carolina federal court, questions whether Roof's attack was plotted and carried out wholly within the state, and therefore not a federal case, as well as whether the hate crimes he was convicted of were punishable by death.

"A finding in his favor on this motion would resolve the case, since he would not challenge further the resulting sentences of life in prison without the possibility of release," the lawyers wrote.

Roof was sentenced to death last month after he was convicted of hate crimes in federal court. He killed nine black churchgoers during a bible style at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston in June 2015.

This is a breaking news story. Check back for more details.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

10 Things Your Lawyer Won't Tell You

In case you ever doubted lawyers deserved their reputation...

1. "You might win your lawsuit and wind up with nothing."

Expecting a bundle from a big lawsuit? Don't start spending it yet. You may be shocked to learn how little you'll get to keep.

Lawyers may not like to mention it, but federal taxes -- at a rate of 25 to 35% -- can easily wipe out most of the money you win in civil lawsuits; bodily injury suits are the only exemption. You'll probably even have to pay federal taxes on the part that's earmarked for your attorney, unless you live in the one of the few regions, including Alabama, Michigan and Texas, where federal appeals courts have sided with taxpayers.

"It wasn't worth filing the suit," says a midwestern sales manager who settled a discrimination case against her employer confidentially for $150,000 in January. The woman will net $14,000 after lawyers' fees, expenses and taxes, says a source close to her case. Some "winning" plaintiffs even wind up in the hole. Realizing that such grim victories chill business, members of the National Employment Lawyers Association are prodding Congress to stop taxing discrimination awards and settlements, which often take the biggest hit. So far, they've had no luck.

2. "Gee, I don't know much about the law..."

Ask an attorney about anything outside his niche and odds are he won't know. Teacher Marie Karim learned that when she decided to sue the New York City hospital where she had developed an infection and a hernia in 1999 during exploratory surgery. Karim, 27, hired Sheri B. Paige because her mother had once consulted the Norwalk, Conn., lawyer about collecting a debt. Karim says Paige assured her that she had experience with medical malpractice cases.

More than a year later, Karim discovered that Paige had virtually no such experience and that she hadn't even filed the suit. Worse yet, the statute of limitations had run out. "I wanted to kill her," says Karim, who got $325,000 from Paige's insurance company in 2002 with assistance from a specialist in legal malpractice. Paige denies all wrongdoing and blames the entire mess on Karim. But in November 2002 a Connecticut lawyer grievance panel found probable cause to believe that Paige was guilty of misconduct. A hearing is set for this month.

Karim should have hired an expert -- someone who does almost nothing but medical malpractice.You can find specialists in the lawyer directory Martindale-Hubbell, available in any library or online at, or in FindLaw (

3. "...but I'd sure like to get to know you better."

Unlike doctors, lawyers in most states are allowed to have sex with clients. And many do. Nearly 20% of attorneys surveyed nationwide by the University of Memphis in 1993 admitted they or a lawyer they knew had had an affair with a client.

Lawyer-client flings, especially in divorce and family law cases , can warp the lawyer's judgment, prompting him to either prolong the dispute or sacrifice the client's interests to end it fast, notes Texas Wesleyan University law professor Malinda L. Seymore. The client may submit in the belief that if she does, the lawyer will do more to help her keep her home and children.

That's what Plantation, Fla., lawyer Steven W. Effman told two female clients to entice them to service him in his office, according to the women's sworn testimony. Not only did Effman fail to deliver on his promises, these clients say, but he actually had the nerve to bill at least one for their trysts. The Florida bar filed a complaint against Effman in 2002, and a court suspended his license for 91 days. Effman insists his affairs were consensual and denies making promises or billing for sex.

Despite such scandals, the American Bar Association didn't rule on the issue until 2002, when it noted that lawyer-client sex is generally unethical but it is up to eac h state whether to adopt an outright ban on the practice. Only six have.

4. "Okay, I've made some mistakes. Good luck finding them!"

Trying to learn whether a lawyer is a bad apple can be an exercise in futility. The ABA keeps a database of known ethics violators and makes the information available if you call 312-988-5321, but it relies on voluntary reports from state bar counsels. You could call the bar counsel in the appropriate state directly -- listed at -- but that can also be a dead end unless the attorney has been suspended or disbarred. Many states just say he's "in good standing" even if he has had lots of complaints or worse.

Take Las Vegas lawyer Kenneth L. Hall. According to the Nevada bar, Hall has no disciplinary record. Run a search on him at, however, and you'll find a newspaper story about his suspension in 2001 for videotaping an intimate encounter he had with a woman in his office in the presence of her toddler daughter. Why doesn't the bar tell you about the suspension? Hall, 54, convinced a court to set it aside, though he admits to the tryst.

Beyond Google, which is free, you can do a background search by using commercial sites such as or, which charge a small fee -- typically $10 to $30.

5. "I never win."

So your attorney has plenty of experience in his field, but has that been as a winner or a loser? How you find out depends on the situation. If you're hiring him to defend you against a criminal charge, ask him if he ever worked in the prosecutor's office and for how long, because that's where the best criminal defense lawyers typically get their training. For any court case -- criminal or civil -- you also want to know how many cases he's actually taken to trial in the past five years. Experts say even five or six can be plenty, if at least one win is in a case similar to yours. If he says his cases usually settle, that's a bad sign. A guy who's known for always settling can't drive a hard bargain. "It certainly helps if the defendant knows (a lawyer) is ready to go to court," says Bert Braud, a Kansas City, Mo., litigator who takes at least one case through trial each year.

6. "I won't take your chump-change case."

Just because you have a strong legal case doesn't mean a lawyer will take it on -- not if it is bad for his bottom line. That's especially true with claims involving securities arbit ration, usually against brokers who have churned clients' accounts or put them in unsuitable investments. Most brokers require their clients to agree to arbitration when opening an account. The number of these cases has risen more than 56% since 1998, according to NASD Dispute Resolution, the group that hears 90% of such cases.

Trouble is, the few lawyers who know about this growing field generally refuse to handle claims of less than $50,000 because smaller cases generate small fees. Henri Draznin, a retired customer-service rep, found himself in such a bind. He couldn't find a lawyer willing to help him recover $9,000 he'd lost in high-yield bonds, which his broker had put him into without mentioning they were risky for a retiree. Draznin was out of luck until he found a legal clinic at New York's Pace University Law School, where students supervised by Professor Barbara Black helped him file an arbitration claim, winning him $4,046 in February 2003.

Short of finding a law school clinic eager to help you, what can you do? Contact the Legal Referral Service at the Association of the Bar of the City of New York at You can get a referral to an NYC attorney and arrange a $25 initial consultation. Or you can contact Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association ( to get the name of a lawyer in your area who is experienced in securities. Try offering him a little more than his usual percentage -- say, 33%, rather than 30 -- to sweeten the pot.

7. "I charge as much as you'll let me."

Most lawyers can charge for their services in a variety of ways: a flat fee, an hourly rate of typically $100 to $300 an hour, or a percentage of the award, usually billed at 30 or 40%.

Which is best for you? If your case is simple, a flat fee is best. It gives the lawyer an incentive to solve the problem efficiently. When you're filing suit for, say, personal injury, employment discrimination or malpractice, you're general ly better off paying a percentage. The incentive in these cases should be to get as much money as possible, fast, and if your attorney fails, you aren't stuck with a big bill. Have him take his fee after expenses, to keep his administrative costs down. Don't ever pay a percentage to settle an estate or for a divorce or a real estate deal. A $1 million closing or divorce is no more difficult than a $500,000 one, so why pay more?

If you have a strong civil suit, your best bet may be a hybrid fee: an hourly rate if the lawyer can solve the problem in a few hours, switching to a percentage if it takes longer or he has to sue. A Fortune 500 company executive hired Kansas City's Braud to handle a sex discrimination case in 2001, and the lawyer was able to wrest a six-figure settlement out of the employer in about 15 hours. His fee was $2,000 instead of the more than $33,000 she would have paid had he charged a percentage. If a lawyer resists such a deal, tell him you need to interv iew a few more attorneys before you decide whom to hire. He'll likely come around.

8. "You may be better off without me."

Many of the things lawyers do you can do for yourself, provided you have the time and inclination to learn how. You can write your own will, for instance, if you have a relatively uncomplicated estate. A good place to get help is legal software publisher Nolo (, whose Quicken Lawyer 2003 Wills sells for $30.

For issues that are too complicated to be handled without some legal assistance, an interim step between going it alone and a lawyer is the paralegal. Depending on the state, these professionals can handle living trusts, bankruptcy petitions, house closings and uncontested divorces -- and often for just a few hundred dollars. The only things paralegals can't do are give legal advice and represent you in court.

Before you sign on, look for experience and expertise in a particular field. It's also nice -- but not essenti al -- for the paralegal to hold a degree or certificate from one of the 800-plus training programs in the U.S. (247 of them approved by the ABA) or be deemed a registered paralegal by the National Federation of Paralegal Associations or a certified legal assistant by the National Association of Legal Assistants.

9. "Wanna sue me? Oops -- you signed that away."

Most lawyers are competent and ethical. But what if yours screws up? Can you sue him? Not if you agreed to submit disputes to arbitration, where the rules of law and evidence don't always apply, and you'll have neither the right to a jury nor perhaps even the right to appeal.

Many lawyers insert compulsory arbitration provisions in their retainer agreements, which isn't necessarily unethical, according to the ABA, providing that the agreement doesn't insulate the lawyer from liability and the client understands what it means. Such a clause should be a warning for you to take your business elsewhere.

Inventor Walter R. Fields says he didn't realize he was giving up his right to sue when he hired Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand, a large Minneapolis law firm, to sue the builder of his mold-infested $1.2 million house. Disappointed when he lost his case, Fields tried to sue Maslon Edelman for malpractice, claiming, among other things, that the firm had failed to submit evidence of the mold in time. But in 2001 a Minneapolis court refused to hear the case because of an arbitration clause in Fields's retainer agreement. Fields also came up empty after arbitrators rejected his claim and two courts upheld the arbitration. He has declined to discuss the case further until he has exhausted all possible legal remedies. Maslon Edelman denies malpractice, claiming the mold was a side issue, and defends the arbitration clause, saying that Fields had weeks to review the agreement with a lawyer before signing.

10. "And even if you can sue, you can't win."

It's mighty tough to nail a lawyer for malpractice. Some 68% of malpractice claims from 1996 through 1999 closed without the client receiving payment from the lawyer's insurance company, and only 6.7% netted more than $50,000, according to a 2001 ABA survey.

Why is it so hard? For one thing, only an estimated 30 to 50% of lawyers even carry insurance, so collecting is a long shot. Plus, to win your case, you have to prove not only that the lawyer failed to perform but also that your case would have turned out differently had he done a better job. Hard to do, since a legal issue is seldom a slam-dunk, even if the lawyer does everything right.

Malpractice insurance doesn't cover everything anyway, as Leslie Cerrato learned in 2002, after she won a $250,000 settlement from her lawyer, Milo J. Altschuler. The prominent attorney pleaded no contest to the charge that in 1991 he put Cerrato over his lap in a Connecticut courthouse and spanked her to discourage nervous fidgeting in fro nt of the judge. Altschuler authorized Cerrato to make her claim with his insurance carrier, American Home Assurance, but the company balked, insisting that malpractice insurance does not cover spanking. "(F)ondling the bare bottoms of female clients is not part of the practice of law," argued American Home. A federal judge agreed, dashing any hopes Cerrato had.